Program List

The number of (the)data : 2
  • Detective
  • Mystery
  • Detective
  • Mystery

Detective Zero


Tokiya used to be a competent veteran detective with 20 years of experience. But he lost all of his memories related to his career when he was following a case. He has memories of his everyday life but all memories related to his job, his experiences as a detective and the cases that he has worked on are gone. Though he has to start his detective life from scratch, his “five senses” and “insights” are still acute as ever and will help him solve new cases.

Baffled by the loss of his professional memory, Tokiya struggles to solve tricky cases relying on his five senses and insight. The immediate cause of his memory loss is an external injury he suffered when he was chasing a criminal but his doctor suspects there might be a psychological cause behind his symptoms. In fact, he had found out a “secret” right before he lost his memory. Would he be able to untangle that secret to get his memory back?

  • Comedy
  • Entertainment
  • Comedy
  • Entertainment

Prison Princesses


Attempted murder, fraud and embezzlement, illicit drugs, tax evasion and even murder? Five women convinced of various crimes and a crime-loathing female warden put aside their differences to hatch a grand plot of revenge against a handsome but crooked company CEO. But the revenge plan keeps hitting snags. Written by Kankuro Kudo, all of these mature women with interesting back stories meet in a female penitentiary and band together to clear each other of unjust sentences in this blockbuster female crime story rich in laughter and tears, brilliantly merging the comedy and cheerfulness of Kankuro Kudo storytelling with serious deeper questions of why we’re all here and what constitutes true happiness.

살인미수, 사기횡령, 마약사범, 탈세, 살인!? 죄를 범한 다섯명 여자들과 죄를 증오하는 한명의 여형무관. 결코 어울릴 수 없는 이들이 함께 꽃미남사장에 복수를 계획한다. 하지만, 그 복수계획은 해프닝의… 연속이다.
구도 간쿠로 극본. 여자형무소에서 만난“사연있는 여자들”이 동료의 억울한 죄를 풀 어주기 위해 펼치는 아슬아슬하고 두근거리는 웃음과 눈물의“아줌마범죄 엔터테인먼 트”.「사람은 왜 사는가?」,「행복이란 무엇인가?」라는 진지한 테마를 밝고 명쾌하게 그리고 심도있게 그렸다.
